Toshiharu IKAGA
Professor of Keio University
Department of System Design Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology
Center for Space & Environmental Design Engineering, School of Science for Open & Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Science & Technology
Head of Research Center on Environment and Energy, Keio Advanced Research Centers
Degree: Doctor of Engineering
Keywords of Research Area: Architecture and Urban Environmental Engineering
He was born in Tokyo in March 1959 and educated at the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University and the Graduate School of Waseda University. He was working for Nikken Sekkei Ltd for 21 years and working for the University of Tokyo as an Associate Professor for 2 years. He has been in current position since 2006. Main research area is Architecture and Urban Environmental Engineering. Doctor (Engineering). He is also working for the Science Council of Japan as a collaborative member and for the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan as a vice president. He was working for the Architectural Institute of Japan as an academic director and for the Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan as a technical director. He wrote many books such as "Introduction to CASBEE", "Building and intellectual productivity", "Recommendation of health promotion housing", "LCCM housing design method", "Prevention and status of heat stroke disease", "Methods to create the best green building” and "Healthy life in healthy home as an action research project to enlarge healthy life span at Yusuhara town ".
Major research projects
1) Field survey on Impact of living environments on brain, cardiovascular, respiratory and locomotive system, and co-benefit evaluation of disease and long-term care prevention
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) No.17H06151
Principal Investigator: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 April 2017- 31 March 2022
2) Brain Information Cloud, as a part of the Actualize Energetic Life by Creating Brain Information Industries (Program Manager: Dr. Yoshinori Yamakawa)
Cabinet Office and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT)
Principal Investigator: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 April 2016- 31 March 2019
3) Large Scale Measurement Survey on the Influence of Residential Environment on Sleep, Blood Pressure and Activity/ Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) No. 26249083
Principal Investigator: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 April 2014- 31 March 2017
4) Low-Carbon Environment Assessment System Based on Evaluation of Health Impacts and Economic Benefits
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) No. 23246102
Principal Investigator: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 April 2011- 31 March 2014
5) Creation of Housing and Community for Healthy Aging
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Strategic Basic Research Programs
Principal Investigator: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 October 2012- 30 September 2015
6) Development of a Human Physiology Model to Reduce Damage from Heatstroke in Bathing Environment
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research No.22656125
Principal Investigator: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 April 2011- 31 March 2013
7) Field Survey on the Impact of Insulation Retrofit on Residents’ Health in Japan/ Housing Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Organizer of the Research Committee for Promotion of Smart Wellness Housing: Toshiharu IKAGA
1 April 2014- 31 March 2019